Bheki Cele succumbs to pressure from Cape Forum and Gerrie Nel in Charl Kinnear investigation

The South African Police Service (SAPS) confirmed at a media conference held in Cape Town earlier today that progress has now finally been made in the internal investigation regarding the murder of Lt Col Charl Kinnear, and that the report and investigation have now been completed. Kinnear was murdered in cold blood more than three years ago already. This announcement follows only a few days after Cape Forum stated that this civil rights organisation has instructed AfriForum’s private prosecution unit and the head of this unit, Adv. Gerrie Nel, to investigate the delay in this case on behalf of the Kinnear family.

At the time of his death, Kinnear was head of investigation of SAPS’ Anti-Gang Unit. He was murdered in front of his home in Bishop Lavis on 18 September 2020.

“It is worrying that a civil rights organisation like Cape Forum had to intervene before the police could make progress in the Kinnear case. The time for a conversation regarding the devolution of policing powers to provincial level is needed now more than ever,” says Heindrich Wyngaard, executive chairperson of Cape Forum.

Cape Forum still maintains that today’s announcement does not mean that pressure will be reduced in this regard. The organisation will therefore formally announce its next steps regarding the Kinnear case later this week.

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(Photo: Dickelbers, Wikimedia Commons, 2015)