Cape Forum as a civil society organisation is set on our goal to get a court of law to give legal certainty on whether Premiers are constitutionally empowered to call provincial referendums. We regard this as an important step in the fight to ensure that policing powers are devolved from a national government – and a disappointing minister, Bheki Cele – to the Western Cape.

Today, we met with premier Alan Winde on this matter. The premier undertook to consult with his legal team and report back as speedily as possible to us. We will hold him to his word. Cape Forum made it clear during the meeting that we continue to believe that certainty on the issue of provincial referendums is in the interest of all the people of the province. In line with our ten focus areas, of which community safety is one, we will continue to mobilise communities for their support for greater autonomy and self-reliance.

It is known that the provincial government is also in favour of the devolution of policing powers to the Western Cape. Equally, it believes, like Cape Forum, that it should be accompanied by a fair share of taxpayers’ money to efficiently perform the function.

We regard today’s meeting as an illustration of how political and civil society groupings can work together on matters of shared interest. We are looking forward to future engagements with the premier and his team to find solutions for challenges faced by the province.