Paltry, pathetic, Philippi! Police college a breeding ground for self-enrichment and substandard training

Paltry, pathetic, Philippi! Police college a breeding ground for self-enrichment and substandard training

The civil rights organisation Cape Forum urgently called on the South African Police Service (SAPS) today to intervene in the collapse of the Philippi Police College and conduct a thorough investigation into several shocking allegations regarding the staff, quality of training, treatment of women and quality of and criminality among police recruits. The decline of…

Police members, Cape Forum protest against withdrawal of Kinnear family’s security detail, mismanagement in SAPS

Police members, Cape Forum protest against withdrawal of Kinnear family’s security detail, mismanagement in SAPS

This week, the civil rights organisation Cape Forum once again made an urgent appeal to the South African Police Service (SAPS) to prioritise the reinstatement of the Kinnear family’s police security detail. Cape Forum, as well as a group of police members and other interested organisations, in support of the reinstatement of the family’s security…

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