Cape Forum and Adv. Gerrie Nel to assist family in Lt Col Charl Kinnear’s murder investigation

The civil rights organisation Cape Forum has instructed AfriForum’s private prosecution unit on Friday to investigate the murder of Lt Col Charl Kinnear, which has been dragging on for more than three years. This follows after representatives of Cape Forum and Adv. Gerrie Nel, head of the prosecution unit, visited members of the Kinnear family on Friday and discussed the matter. Lt Col Kinnear, then head of investigation at the South African Police Service’s (SAPS) Anti-Gang Unit, was murdered in cold blood in front of his home in Bishop Lavis on 18 September 2020.

Zona Morton, a community safety activist from Cape Town, referred the matter to Bernard Pieters at Cape Forum. After consultation with Adv. Nel and his team it was decided to become formally involved in this case. More information regarding the next steps in the investigation will be announced soon.

“The fact that so far there has been little to no progress regarding the disciplinary action by the SAPS in the investigation of the murder of Lt Col Kinnear, is a terrible shame. The state thereby shows their total lack of executive abilities and the will to protect their own from criminals. This is just one more reason why policing powers must be devolved to local level,” says Heindrich Wyngaard, Executive Chairperson of Cape Forum.

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