Cape Forum supports family of murdered teacher

The civil rights organisation Cape Forum supported the Human family of Brackenfell yesterday at the court appearance of the alleged murderer Gareth Blight in the Blue Downs Regional Court. Blight is charged with the murder of the 33-year-old teacher, Shane Human, who was killed in cold blood in April this year.

An argument between Human and Blight, a neighbour, arose on 29 April 2023. The altercation turned physical after which Blight allegedly stabbed Human with a knife. Human succumbed to his wounds soon after and Blight was arrested for the murder. He appeared in the district court for the first time in early May and applied for bail. However, the state opposed his application due to the nature of his previous offences, including a number of violent crimes.

Blight appeared in court again on 28 September, during which the state indicated that the investigation was finalised and the case was ready to go to trial. Due to the seriousness of the crime, the case was transferred to the regional court.

The case continued in the Blue Downs Regional Court yesterday but was adjourned until 15 November. Cape Forum will assist the family again at this appearance and will continue until justice is done in this matter.

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